Monday, November 7, 2011


Today I felt I should try the long side as Ericsson started to show some strength and broke back over 70. The stock has been trending upwards for a few days. When markets are shaky, on down-days they are normally very weak already in the beginning of the session. That I did not sense today why I tried the long side.

We managed to capture a large portion of the intraday trend as around 4 p.m. I felt it was time to sell, mostly because my target was reached but also because I like to sell when the trend is as strongest. This can sometime lead to me selling on the top like today, or sometimes it leads to me missing out on half of a big movement. Today we got it right! We passed the 30% line after less than 4 months of trading. This has to be celebrated. Today I'd like to treat you to a classic Champagne Cocktail*:

Happy champagning, Good night and trade with you later!

* The recipe:
 Soak a suger cube in Angostura or other bitters. Put it in a champagne flute, add a dash of cognac and fill with champagne. Garnish with a lemon twist or nothing.


  1. Helt fantastisk utveckling. Jag var i starten av bloggen lite kritisk till hur du hanterade förlusttrades men det är numera uppenbart att du verkligen har stenkoll. Det som imponerar mest är din oerhörda disciplin och ditt konsekventa sätt att handla. Mäkta imponerande. Keep it up!
